Library as Incubator Project

Highlighting the symbiosis between libraries & the arts…

“The Library as Incubator Project was created by Erinn Batykefer, Laura Damon-Moore, and Christina Endres, and was inspired by a discussion about creative advocacy for libraries in one of their courses at the UW-Madison School of Library and Information Studies…The Project highlights the ways that libraries and artists can work together, and works to strengthen these partnerships.”

The mission of the Library as Incubator Project is to promote and facilitate creative collaboration between libraries and artists of all types, and to advocate for libraries as incubators of the arts

• Feature artists, writers, performers and libraries who exemplify the “library as incubator” idea.
• Highlight physical and digital collections and resources that may be of particular use to artists and writers.
• Provide ideas for art education opportunities in libraries with our program kit collection and practical how-to’s for artists and librarians.
• Work with artist organizations, libraries, and other cultural institutions to help develop meaningful partnerships and programs that promote the “library as incubator” idea.
• Provide professional development for information professionals who wish to incubate the arts at their institutions.

Library as Incubator Project